Services We Offer

Focused Therapeutic Services aims to get to know you and how to best aid you in your journey to your goals and development


We will work with you in a one-on-one session to determine what kind of treatment is best appropriate for your personal development. This service is available for ages 6 and up.


We offer a range of different testing methods which range from academics and intelligence to behaviors and emotions to help us best get to understand your needs.

Individual Therapy

Chronic Anxiety, Depression and Anger have a purpose. If these overwhelming feelings are impacting your life in a negative way, there are ways to find relief by learning the purpose and transformative power of these emotions. Behavior Therapy, Trauma Based Therapy and The Nurtured Heart Approach offer tools for responding differently to what can be overwhelming emotions and behaviors affecting ourselves and others.

Provide Proper Diagnostics

There is not a magical solution that works for everyone. We are here to figure out what specific plan of action is best for you and your goals. 

Therapy Designed for Relationship Stress

Attachment and connection with others is the best predictor of current and future mental health. Knowing what to do when relationships are stressed is a skill that can be learned. Individual, Couples and Family Therapy can help develop these very necessary life skills. Find out what you can do to improve a strained relationship even if the other person/people are not willing to participate.